
Infinite Women session on 28th April with Cheryl Towey who will be sharing how, with Kinesiology we can tone our vagus nerve. Often we have no idea how our body may be struggling with its vagus tone; our brain is constantly connecting to our nervous system and its control is very much unconscious.

We may have issues with reflexes, breathing issues, stress, fears, trauma, bowel issues, digestive disturbances, be unable to relax, sensitive, sleep issues, feeling faint or dizzy.

By toning our vagus nerve we can recover faster after stress, digest well, sleep better and generally function on a higher level all around.

Cheryl will be sharing some science and doing a demo on this topic.

This is our 3rd session in April and will be on Friday 28th April at 10:30am to 12:30 at Whittle-le-Woods Village Hall Union Street off Chorley Old Rd Whittle le Woods Chorley PR6 7LN

Please book your place as they fill up fast. Text Karen on 07985 102245

Sessions cost £10 for an hour with the guest speaker, refreshments and time for socialising.

Ruth Coupe

I am a spiritual botanical artist and joy maker bringing colour to life.

I inspire others through positivity and colour to be the happiest they can be and my mission is to fill the world with bohemian beauty and people who are living their dreams.

Poetry in Chorley