Exciting News!!! Leyland

Infinite Women are launching a new group in Leyland.

Aromatherapy for Health & Wellbeing is the first of our Infinite Women sessions at a new venue in Leyland at St Mary's Community Centre on Broadfield Drive Leyland on Thursday 4th May from 7pm to 9pm.

This will be a regular venue on the 1st Thursday of each month. We will have a different topic and a different speaker each month. There will also be refreshments and time for socialising.

This first session is on Tuesday 4th May from 7pm to 9pm and this month's speaker is Janet Cairnie who is a Clinical Aromatherapist working in this role for the NHS, she will be sharing how Aromatherapy and using essential oils can improve health & wellbeing.

Janet has a wealth of knowledge and brings over 12 years experience of working in the Health & Wellbeing Sector. she has 2 degrees, BScHons Integrated Therapies in Practice at Salford University, PGDE Teaching learners with Additional needs at Bolton University.

Janet loves helping people and gets huge satisfaction when she makes a difference to people's lives.

She is currently employed by Salford NHS Renal Services and her role is to recruit & train professional Therapists to provide Therapies for patients on Dialysis.

She also consults in the Health & Wellbeing Sectors and is available for consulting in companies to boost the health and wellbeing of their task force, GP Surgeries and other NHS Staff and Establishments. She gives talks for colleges on Working in clinical settings as a Therapist and for conferences in UK and Europe.

She is the Local FHT(Federation of Holistic Therapists) Ambassador for Wigan, Leigh, Rainford & St Helens and organises meetings/guest speakers and supports Local Therapist's in the Complementary/Beauty/Sports Industry.

She is a member of the FHT(Federation of Holistic Therapists) & IFPA(International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists.

Sessions cost £10 for an hour with the speaker, refreshments and time for socialising.

To book your place please text Karen on 07985 102245

Thank you - we look forward to meeting you soon!


Ruth Coupe

I am a spiritual botanical artist and joy maker bringing colour to life.

I inspire others through positivity and colour to be the happiest they can be and my mission is to fill the world with bohemian beauty and people who are living their dreams.


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