Women Empowering Women to create strong communities and a better, brighter, sustainable future for all!

Women trying different holistic and craft practices

Infinite Women run monthly sessions for women to get together, to share and learn from each other.

Infinite women is a C.I.C. which means a Community Interest Company, a not for profit organisation, with community benefit at its heart

two ladies holding up free hug signs at an infinite women conference

Free Hugs

We love giving out free hugs. You might have seen us recently at the Roots of Life Wellness Festival, at Shaw Hill Golf Club Near Chorley, where we must have given out about 200 – 300 hugs that day. Lots of our Infinite Women came and all very kindly and lovingly, shared hugs with folks coming in (and out) and made lots of folks very happy.

We had a variety of reactions – from “No thanks”, to “Oh yes please”, and “Can I have more than one?” Several people, unexpectedly, really sobbed, and apologised for their tears, but we said we welcomed them, and they were among friends and to just let them flow. So many women, older ladies in particular, were so very grateful and appreciative and said that was the first hug they had, had in YEARS!

It was extremely heartwarming to see how well this idea was received and we will certainly be doing it again soon.

“I always feel better after your sessions, it really is bringing fabulous women together”

- Jane Slade

So interesting and informative and as always, quite jolly

- Ann Barnes